
Integrate Beamaan on your website with simple steps
UsageInclude the script and add `data-beamaan` attribute to the element that you want to make it open the checkout page
1 <script src=""></script>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <button data-beamaan='{ "items": [{ "name": "Something to sell", "price": 450 }], "merchant_key": "50bec7638916c15fda3c6f9e6772dccded5bce4b1eeb0d6a32", "success_url": "", "fail_url": "", "api_key": "IdkWhatToPutInTheApiKeyCol" }' > Pay with beamaan </button>
merchant_key: Seller key, used to identify individual sellers, contact us to obtain your merchant key

api_key: Partner API Key, please contact us to obtain the api key
Types1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 export interface Item { name: string; price: number; // SAR quantity?: number; description?: string; address?: string; category?: string; } export interface Payload { items: Item[]; merchant_key: string; success_url: string; fail_url: string; api_key: string; }